Attn: Genevieve Seed – Resource Assessment
Department of Planning and Environment
26th July 2017.
____Cabbage Tree Road Sand Quarry___
Application No: SSD 6125.
Though there have been changes to this original DA of 2016 and due to the deteriorated and distressed circumstances of Cabbage Tree Road residents, we are compelled to once again express our continuing concerns and opposition to this sand quarry application on the following grounds.
- Impacts on biological diversity and ecological integrity.
Despite the changes to the original DA following community objections, there is nothing substantive in these changes. The concerns originally expressed remain and due to this the potential impacts still challenge the ecological integrity of this proposal. These include the unacceptable destruction of critical native vegetation communities essential for the survival of fauna species as the Squirrel Glider and Koala populations where their natural habitat and food trees will be decimated.
- Traffic safety will be exacerbated on Cabbage Tree Road.
The proposed use of Cabbage Tree Road for the excessive transportation of sand via the Williamtown round-a-bout is an equally unacceptable and potentially dangerous imposition on the Williamtown community and commuters accessing the airport and towns to the north and east. This factor alone should make this application redundant.
- Cumulative quality of life issues are now paramount.
The now recorded cumulative impacts on the health and general well being of Cabbage Tree Road citizens is totally unacceptable. The combined sand quarry and PFAS contamination of surface and ground water has now placed this community under siege and extraordinarily unacceptable duress and personal stress. Their lives indeed are on hold and many are threatened by these dual issues on their lives.
Dust and noise issues from the proposed quarry operation, combined with the loss of natural habitat and lifestyle from those likely impacts is now severely elevated by the disclosure of an identified cancer cluster on Cabbage Tree Road and in exceptionally close proximity to the proposed sand quarry.
- Corrective legislation to protect residents and sand resources.
This destructive Application is an example of the prevailing ‘business as usual’ outlook to exploit the dollars identified and is yet another sand quarry just 10km from an existing 5 operating quarries.
This DA would be an unnecessary exploitation of an environmentally sensitive site for a potentially over-supplied market for an identified easy dollar flow to an opportunistic company and the local council. It is unnecessary.
Further, along with the known non-degradability, bio-cumulative effects and toxicity of PFAS and related contaminants for all life forms coming into physical contact with these poisons, it would seem logical that corrective legislation is not only essential but urgent.
- On these grounds, it is urgent that this DA (SSD 6125) must be denied and that – corrective legislation must be urgently enacted to protect urban sand deposits in close proximity to residential areas from exploitation.
Yours sincerely
Darrell Dawson for the EcoNetwork Executive Committee.
PO Box 97 Nelson Bay 2315 – 0403 036 007.
_________EcoNetwork – Affiliated Associations________
National Parks Association (Hunter Branch) Inc. Hunter Koala Preservation Society Inc.
Native Animal Trust Fund Inc. Tilligerry Habitat Inc.
Imagine Cruises – Ecotourism accredited. Salamander Recycling Inc.
Port Stephens Park Residents Association Inc. Myall Koala & Environmental Support Group
Port Stephens Native Flora Gardens. Soldiers Pt/Salamander Bay Tidy Towns Inc.
Pindimar / Bundabah Community Association Inc. Destination Port Stephens Inc.
Mambo/Wanda Wetlands Reserves C’ttee Inc. Ocean & Coastal Care Initiatives (OCCI) Inc.
Shoal Bay Community Association Inc. North Arm Cove Residents Association Inc.
Soldiers Point Community Group Wanderers Retreat.
South Tomaree Community Association Inc. Port Stephens Marine Parks Association Inc.
Boomerang Park Action Group Inc. Williamtown & Surrounds Residents Action Group
No Sandmining in Bobs Farm Group Irukandji Shark & Ray Encounters.
On Water Marine Services Pty Ltd. Port Stephens Coastal Tours.
For an eco-oriented culture with sustainable communities
and the transfer of intact natural systems to future generations.