The plant appears to have all the green credentials but the reality is different. Click here
Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens, KKEPS 1 , welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Enquiry Panel investigating the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme. The Panel…
This submission makes specific suggestions for additional measures to support the local koala population. Click here
EcoNetwork strongly supports the draft Lower Hunter Security Plan (LHWSP), which dispenses with the building of new dams and instead relies on a diverse range…
EcoNetwork strongly supports the draft Lower Hunter Security Plan (LHWSP), which dispenses with the building of new dams and instead relies on a diverse range…
Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens (KKEPS) strongly supports the view that Port Stephens Council and the NSW State Government must realise that destruction of koala…
We write to object to the expansion of the Martins Creek Railway Ballast Quarry Expansion to Daracon’s Amended Development Application, number SSD-6612. Click here
Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens (KKEPS) strongly supports the view that Port Stephens Council and the NSW State Government must realise that destruction of koala…
EcoNetwork-Port Stephens has called on Council to take note of community concerns about lack of transparency and public consultation in relation to planning and public…
Letter to support the Threatened Species Scientific Committee’s call to uplist the koala from Vulnerable to Endangered. Click here