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Media releases

EcoNetwork’s media releases are listed below. For those issued by our affiliate groups, please contact them directly.

Garden Centres contribute to weed problem

Port Stephens bushcare groups support the regulation of the garden industry to ensure they don’t sell seeds or potted plants of invasive varieties. Relying on Bunnings and others to do the right thing hasn’t worked, despite available listings of plants most prone to becoming weeds.   Read more

Kings Hill Development Concept Plan – McCloy rebuttal as an opinion piece

We would like to challenge the opinion piece written by local developer Jeff McCloy on 15 th September 2023. On the 23rd August 2023, Commissioner Bish, following a hearing in the NSW Land and Environment Court, handed down her decision on the Kings Hill Development Concept Plan.   Read more

Proposal for protection of native wildlife habitat at Kings Hill

We propose that the Federal & State Governments combine resources to ensure Kings Hill land is protected in perpetuity as a conservation area/extension of National Park estate. The proponent may well submit further …   Read more

Media Release – Save Wallaroo State Forest!

Media Release – Save Wallaroo State Forest! Another Quarry in Port Stephens is too much for any Koala to bear! A coalition of community groups met in Raymond Terrace on …   Read more

KKEPS Seaham Battery proposal Aug 2023

When KKEPS members approached this proposal, it was confused with the large RES Battery sensibly proposed on mostly cleared land on Clarence Town Road near Wighton Street, adjacent to the …   Read more

Festival was the First for our Sustainable Future – but not the last!

EcoNetwork Port Stephens held its inaugural Sustainable Futures Festival last Sunday 11 September. Over 1000 people attended and enjoyed the first sunny day in weeks!   Read more

The aRRRRRt Awards, a Festival feature

Find out where to see the finalists of the aRRRRRt awards. The inaugural aRRRRRt Awards, a special collaboration between EcoNetwork Port Stephens and Artisan Collective Port Stephens, celebrates EcoNetwork’s Sustainable Futures Festival.   Read more

EcoNetwork Gala evening launches Sustainable Futures Festival

On Saturday 4 June, the eve of World Environment Day, over 120 guests gathered at EcoNetwork Port Stephen’s Gala Dinner, to launch the Sustainable Futures Festival.   Read more

Gala Dinner

Gala Dinner to launch the Sustainable Futures Festival – Media Release 12 May 2022 EcoNetwork Port Stephens invites you to the launch of the inaugural Sustainable Futures Festival at a …   Read more

‘Endangered’ listing of koalas welcomed with reservations

EcoNetwork Port Stephens has welcomed – with reservations – the Australian government’s decision to upgrade the conservation status of koalas from vulnerable to endangered in NSW, the ACT and Queensland.
‘The real test is whether government and local councils are prepared to refuse development applications that threaten to destroy koala habitat and corridors, ‘ said EcoNetwork president Iain Watt.   Read more