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Climate crisis

EcoNetwork is concerned about the lack of action on climate locally and nationally. Together with affiliate group Climate Action Port Stephens (CAPS) and Renew’s Hunter Region Branch, we support our Council’s commitment to going carbon neutral but more has to be actioned urgently. We try to engage with the community through forums, activism and social media to help make this everyone’s responsibility.

Local Energy Hubs – way to go!

Many Australians believe the transition to renewables has yet to begin, yet we’re nearly halfway there with over 40% of our electricity being generated by renewable sources. But the rollout isn’t rolling smoothly – find out how it could be improved.   Read more

EcoNetwork submission – offshore wind consultation Inquiry August 2024

As ‘in-principle’ supporters of an offshore wind industry, we have major criticisms of the way the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and relevant Ministers have …   Read more

Environmental Impact Assessment Process for wind farms

There is some pushback on the development of offshore wind farms. Their environmental impact assessments/statements will have to be demonstrably independent and transparent so they cannot be accused of being biased or influenced by the proponents and therefore unacceptable to sectors of the community,   Read more

Global Warnings!

A call for alliances to act on climate and social justice. The first EcoNetwork community forum of the year was held last month. Around 80 people packed the Tomaree Community Hall to hear Dr Mark Diesendorf call on communities to form alliances to combat the power of vested interests over government and institutions.   Read more

Become a beach scientist this summer and help monitor changing coastlines

When you arrive at your favourite beach these summer holidays, you may notice something different about the coast.   Read more

How to beat ‘rollout rage’: the environment-versus-climate battle dividing regional Australia

In August, Victoria’s Planning Minister Sonya Kilkenny said ‘while the transition to renewable energy generation is an important policy and legislative priority for Victoria’, so was ‘protection of declining biodiversity values’.   Read more

Hunter Offshore Wind Farms – questions and answers

Are we having a rational debate about offshore wind? Will wind farms impact marine life? Can we trust the assessment process? For these and other questions, read our FAQs page.   Read more

Whales, krill climate change and the omega-3 addiction

Fishing pressure is growing rapidly with larger ships on order from China and Norway to meet the demand for Krill based product. The stocks are highly concentrated within specific areas and the current vessels can suck up 1000 tonnes of krill per day, taking 450,000 tonnes of Krill in 2020, a 15% increase on the previous year.   Read more

EcoNetwork Port Stephens official statement on offshore wind proposal.

EcoNetwork shares many of the concerns that have been raised about the environmental and other impacts of offshore wind developments. However, we believe it is premature to engage in a …   Read more

Don Quixote and the wind turbines

Concerns about the impact of wind farms offshore from Port Stephens are a worry – but they pale into insignificance when considering the alternative.   Read more