Whether we think about it in these terms or not – we exist as a part of nature, not as a separate entity. If we protect nature – we protect our own future wellbeing and lifestyle.
To this end, EcoNetwork’s vision is for ‘ecologically sustainable communities existing in harmony with the natural environment.’
Here are some of the activities that EcoNetwork’s affiliate groups are involved in. Why not join them and volunteer to help?
Managing ecosystems
We look at how biodiversity in Port Stephens is faring – is it thriving, or just surviving? Our terrestrial and marine habitats such as bushland reserves, beaches and reefs, need our help. Find out how you can get involved in citizen science and bush regeneration projects. Read more
Living with wildlife
Have you see an endangered species in the wild? Join us and learn about our local native species – whether it’s enjoying wildlife encounters in your own garden or helping save threatened species in the bigger backyard of Port Stephens. Read more
Habitat corridors
As wildlife habitat is forced to make way for housing and industrial developments throughout Port Stephens, we examine the importance of remnant vegetation and existing connectivity across public reserves as well as on private properties. Read more