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Join us

Why your membership is important

Annual membership fees provide the vital revenue enabling EcoNetwork to advocate for the environment and support our members. Never have the challenges to maintaining our treasured environment been greater than now and your membership more highly valued.

Benefits in being a member

You are:

  • kept informed about current environmental issues, locally or further afield
  • updated on local events and resources of environmental interest
  • supporting a group active in responding to development proposals in Port Stephens
  • supporting advocacy for a cleaner and safer environment.

You have the:

  • opportunity for your voice to be represented on local council and state government consultation and advisory bodies
  • opportunity to become active in EcoNetwork’s projects, advocacy, campaigns, interest groups and events
  • voting rights and the opportunity to have a say in EcoNetwork’s agenda.

Benefits in being an affiliated member group

In addition to all the benefits above, as an affiliated group, you:

  • gain assistance through shared knowledge and networks to help reach your group’s objectives
  • gain assistance with affiliate campaigns where EcoNetwork has the expertise
  • receive recognition and promotion as you are listed on EcoNetwork PS website, and linked directly to your website – and we provide a web page to those affiliates without their own website
  • have voting rights — one delegated representative of your group
  • receive the benefits of EcoNetwork’s membership with the Nature Conservation Council including …
    • expertise and science based research
    • forums which aim to inform and educate
    • networking with like-minded community and environmental groups
    • public liability insurance.

As a voluntary group we strive to do more, though work within our limited time and financial resources. Your membership will help us do more and grow. Thank you!

Membership fees

Fees are for 12 months July to June, with new membership after March inclusive of the following financial year.

  • Individual membership $10, Student $5
  • Community non-profit organisation $25
  • Commercially-based organisation $50

Membership application form