EcoNetwork submits that there should be an integrated approach to potential Lodge uses through a Trust arrangement – with a management body that would facilitate…
EcoNetwork generally supports the National Parks and Wildlife Service’s stated vision (Draft Cycling Strategy) but we have some reservations. Click here
KKEPS acknowledges the advice of TRRA that the scale of the proposed development has already been approved and that in principle the investment in the…
EcoNetwork strongly supports the draft Lower Hunter Security Plan (LHWSP), which dispenses with the building of new dams and instead relies on a diverse range…
EcoNetwork strongly supports the draft Lower Hunter Security Plan (LHWSP), which dispenses with the building of new dams and instead relies on a diverse range…
Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens (KKEPS) strongly supports the view that Port Stephens Council and the NSW State Government must realise that destruction of koala…
We write to object to the expansion of the Martins Creek Railway Ballast Quarry Expansion to Daracon’s Amended Development Application, number SSD-6612. Click here
Letter to support the Threatened Species Scientific Committee’s call to uplist the koala from Vulnerable to Endangered. Click here
The Koala Koalition, EcoNetwork Port Stephens (KKEPS) strongly supports the Threatened Species ScientificCommittee’s call to uplist the koala from Vulnerable to Endangered. Click here
Submission objecting to Aircraft facility – helipad, dual occupancy and associated infrastructure including hangars, offices, carparking and civil works at Anna Bay Click here for…