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Recent submissions, comments and papers by EcoNetwork.

NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Speed limits and road safety in regional NSW

EcoNetwork Port Stephens Koala Koalition welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Inquiry’s work on speed limits and road safety in regional NSW. With a variety of major and minor roads intersecting nd fragmenting) koala habitat leading to ongoing koala vehicle strikes, KKEPS urges the Inquiry to consider how a change in driver behaviour and a reduction in speed might benefit remaining koala populations, and consider which road infrastructure options safely enable rather than limit habitat connectivity in already fragmented habitats.   Read more

792 Seaham Rd submission – March 2022

The Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens (KKEPS ) supports the objection submittedby VOWW – Voice of Woodville and Wallalong. The proposal for rezoning of 792 Seaham Road as shown in …   Read more

Submission: Eco-tourist facility, 58 Gan Gan Rd

KKEPS submits that the proposed development should be refused, for similar reasons given in 90 submissions (mostly objecting) to the previous DA (2019-643). We submit the following reasons…   Read more

Submission on NPWS Draft Cycling Policy, Draft Cycling Strategy and Guidelines for Implementation

EcoNetwork generally supports the National Parks and Wildlife Service’s stated vision (Draft Cycling Strategy) but we have some reservations. Click here   Read more

Deep Creek Quarry -January 2022

Cumulative Impact Assessment of State Significant Projects Our main concerns about this quarry proposal are the cumulative impacts on our environment and community. There are a substantial number of existing …   Read more

Bannisters redevelopment, 147 Soldiers Point Rd

KKEPS acknowledges the advice of TRRA that the scale of the proposed development has already been approved and that in principle the investment in the redevelopment of the site along …   Read more

Anna Bay helipad proposal

Submission in relation to proponent’s response to Port Stephens Council’s Further Information Request (FIR). The main koala corridor is across the Nelson Bay Road, at the rear of the planned …   Read more

Salamander Shores/Bannisters redevelopment

KKEPS acknowledges the advice of TRRA that the scale of the proposed development has already been approved and that in principle the investment in the redevelopment of the site along …   Read more

Are NSW Marine Sanctuaries under threat?

The NSW Government released the ‘NSW Mainland Marine Park Network – Draft Management Plan 2021 – 2031’ for public comment. What are the threats to be concerned about? We share our views on what needs to be done.   Read more

Five reasons why the Planning Panel should refer the Kings Hill DA to Environment, Energy and Science (EES) for consideration

Speech by Carmel Northwood to Kings Hill HCCRPP teleconference 20/10/21. Click here.   Read more