The Sustainable Futures Festival will include displays and presentations based around the core themes of land, water, energy and community.
Here is a list of the entertainers, musicians and dancers as well as the stallholders from wildlife, landcare, marine and conservation groups, sustainability entrepreneurs and government agencies.
Come along and have a chat to our local groups and businesses who will share their insights and experiences with you. There’s something for everyone – so be inspired by what is possible!
A quirky mix of clowning, musical gymnastics and wicked dance moves.
Paint your own shorebird, an ultra marathon flyer, with Hunter Region Landcare Network 11am & 2pm
Stalls and displays
Artisan Collective present The aRRRRRt awards. Let’s put the R into aRt: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.
All finalists will be on display at the school on Festival Day – just ask at the information stand. Vote for your favourite artwork in the People’s Choice category. Read More.
EcoNetwork members have organised a Electric Vehicle display by local owners for all your EV Q & A’s. At 1.30pm, you can also attend a tent talk on Electric Vehicle Charging by Fixer Electrical.
Join us as we celebrate the core themes of the Sustainable Futures Festival:
Land: Make yours a sustainable garden for yourself and for wildlife. Discover how your property can become a useful stepping stone for wildlife passing by, or how you can help local threatened species like koalas, shorebirds and orchids.
Water: Create ripples of positive change. Help our aquatic environments become free of waste especially plastic, join a dolphin census or become an intrinsic part of the Human Whale!
Energy: Would you like to save on energy bills? How does community power work? Inspect an electric vehicle or see the latest in electric outboard motors.
Community: Community action starts with us. Find out how your local volunteers, organisations, businesses and Council are planning a sustainable future for Port Stephens. To care about community is to have a sense of place.
EcoNetwork Port Stephens is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run organisation working in partnership with local community groups, government agencies and businesses for nearly 30 years to protect the biodiversity of our region