We have a host of activities Celebrating 40 years of Tomaree National Park | 2024

Come along to discover different ways to experience Tomaree National Park — its splendour, its intrigue. and its dynamic nature.
Throughout 2024 the National Parks Association (NPA), through its two local groups, the Friends of Tomaree National Park and the Port Stephens Walking group, is Celebrating 40 years of Tomaree National Park | 2024 with a range of activities.
Long and short walks, wildflower walks, night walks, bush regen, a celebratory picnic for nature with activities, a Tomaree forum, and for your input an online treasure trove of what community cherishes about Tomaree National Park.
We take a different look at the Tomaree Coastal Walk and explore each section and its linked hinterland to create a series of circuit walks — walking in circles — experiencing even more of Tomaree’s diversity.
And in spring, we leave the coast and revel in the wildflower splendour of Tomaree’s heathy woodlands, a tapestry of colour and texture.
We hope to see you there!
Join us in building a treasure trove of Tomaree National Park’s cherished features!
We’re asking our Port Stephens community and friends to share a photo or two of their most treasured aspects of Tomaree National Park
Views, trees, flowers, wildlife, rocky structures, favourite walks, heritage places, wonderful textures, places of inspiration — anything you cherish about Tomaree National Park!
See how to contribute and watch our treasure trove gradually build >>.

Come along to our special activities Celebrating 40 years of Tomaree National Park ~ Oct & Nov 2024
October, Sunday 20 Picnic for Nature – connecting beach and bush to your backyard – celebrating 40 years of Tomaree National Park
Join us at Iris Moore Lookout and Picnic Area, Birubi Lane, Anna Bay. Bring the family, throw down a picnic rug and some shade, enjoy a sausage sizzled coffee, and explore a little local nature – find out what’s in a bee & insect hotel, book in to make your own bird box, enjoy some nature activities and displays, plant up a patch of park, or book for a guided post-fire short walk over Fishermans headland, and more.
Your hosts: Friends of Tomaree National Park, National Parks Association, National Parks and Wildlife Service, EcoNetwork Port Stephens.

October, Sunday 20 Make your own wildlife home ~ bee & insect hotels and bird boxes at the Picnic for Nature
Would you like to encourage wildlife into your backyard? Our yards can be great habitat, and important stepping stones or links for wildlife ~ birds, bees, butterflies, bugs and beetles ~ connecting up plots of bush from the national park through backyards and linking to your bush reserve.
On this activity we’ll make some insect hotels and bird boxes ~ with thanks to the much appreciated support of the Port Stephens Woodworkers, and the sponsorship of Port Stephens Packing, you can make your own wildlife home at an incredibly low cost. More information and to book your spot.

October, Sunday 20 Fishermans Headland guided post burn walk at the Picnic for Nature
You’re invited to join us on a short guided walk to explore how the February 2024 fire impacted the headland and its vegetation. See and appreciate the recovery process in action — what is and isn’t recovering following this hot fire. there are 4 times between 10am to 2pm. More information and to register your preferred time

November, Sunday 3 Forum: Tomaree National Park – celebrating 40 years of conservation and involvement
Afternoon: Tomaree National Park – celebrating 40 years of conservation and involvement, speakers and discussion. Tomaree library. For more information and for bookings (essential).
Your hosts: National Parks and Wildlife Service, Friends of Tomaree National Park, National Parks Association and EcoNetwork Port Stephens.

Friday 1 to Saturday 30 November: Orchids and Flora of the Tomaree Peninsula
The inspiration and theme of the artwork in this exhibition takes a little from Art & a little from Science, highlighting the diversity and precious nature of our natural environment.
The orchid species of the Tomaree Peninsula are a focus, and Tomaree National Park protects most of the Peninsula’s orchids. More exhibit information

Tomaree Activities January – June
From Tomaree Clean Ups to morning and day walks, we enjoyed in Tomaree National Park a host of walks and activities as part of Celebrating 40 years of Tomaree National Park | 2024.
March 2024 Clean Up Australia Day at Tomaree National Park – a massive community effort, we hauled truckloads, thank you everyone

Wow, a massive effort where we hauled truck load with massive community support . Read more about what we achieved together.
Provided by the NPA through the Friends of Tomaree National Park.
Sunday 17 March 2024, Tomaree forest trails – inland Fingal-Shoal Bay
A half day exploring lesser walked trails, easy, partly shaded forest trails, in the heart of the northern end of Tomaree NP. ~8km Unfortunately this walk was cancelled due to rain.
Wednesday 20 March 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk – Big Rocky in circuits
A full day along the Tomaree Coastal Walk with a twist. Starting from the Big Rocky carpark, we enjoyed walking eastward along the trails scenic new section then to the boulder beaches that typify this part of the coast to the Snapper Rocks headland, with morning tea in the vicinity. While we returned the same trail to Big Rocky, we were delighted that walking the opposite direction is a new experience. From Big Rocky we followed the TCW on to Samurai Beach, over the Samurai dunes back to little known trails, making a circuit in part through ephemeral swampy land, fortunately dry at the time (we had pre-confirmed), though have been underwater for our wet couple of years. A fantastic varied day along the 12 km walk. Thanks Brian.Provided by the NPA through the Port Stephens Walking group
Sunday 14 April 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk – Box & Fingal beaches and forest trails
A delightful shady walk, approx. 8km, from the Box Beach carpark along the Tomaree Coastal Walk between Box and Fingal beaches, including the delightful new section onto Fingal Beach. We crossed into the national park via fire trails and looped back to Box Beach. Some of the group visited the inspiring Shoebox Art Gallery, open weekends at 10 Garden Place Shoal Bay. For Tomaree lovers, a fantastic collection of artwork featuring Tomaree’s orchid. Provided by the NPA through the Port Stephens Walking group
Sunday 28 April 2024, Fishermans Bay Autumn Plantings
The Fishermans Bay community planting was a great success – we planted more than 550+ seedlings at the top of the degraded gully. We really appreciated all those from the community who came along to help the Friends of Tomaree National Park. The morning had a great vibe –read more and see the wonderful photos here
Sunday 12 May 2024, Tomaree forest trails – inland Fingal area with surprising views
A half day inland circuit, about 8kms on some of the national park’s elevated trails. Glimpses to Fingal Bay, views into the heart of Tomaree and a spectacular lookout over bush and ocean, maybe even spot a distant whale. Provided by the NPA through the Port Stephens Walking group. Enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Sunday 19 May 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk – Morna Point and Boat Harbour headlands
Half day return walk from One Mile Beach via Morna Point area to Boat Harbour, following new Tomaree Coastal Walk, split canyon lookout and through Boat Harbour to the whale watching lookout. About 8km, Provided by the NPA through the Port Stephens Walking group. Enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Sunday 16 June 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk – Two peaks and inland wetlands
Half or full day options: Our morning walk circuits from Zenith Beach picnic area around Tomaree headland’s scenic coast, taking in the World War II features, up to the summit with it spectacular views. Our afternoon circuit takes in Stephens Peak and trails through to Shoal Bay wetlands. Approximately 14km full day. Provided by the NPA through the Port Stephens Walking group Enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Tomaree Activities July – December
While our Tomaree walks focus is around Tomaree Coastal Walk – walking in circles and Wildflower walks, there’s plenty more walks in Tomaree on offer. And, toward the end of the year, a couple of special activities, a Picnic for Nature with activities exploring nature for all ages, and a Forum on Tomaree National Park.
Wednesday 10 July 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk (1): Two peaks & a wetland
Morning or full day options: Morning walk from Zenith Beach picnic area around the Tomaree headland coast to summit, checking out the array of defence sites and return, about 6kms. Afternoon circuit continues on the Tomaree Coastal Walk explores another peak then circuits on inland trails to Shoal Bay wetlands. Day total about 14kms. Walk is G3. Provided by the NPA Port Stephens Walking Group, enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Sunday 14 July 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk (4): Morna Point area
Morning walk: From One Mile Beach explore Morna Point area on the Tomaree Coastal Walk with its split canyon and fascinating dykes,. Return from Boat Harbour whale watch lookout, in part on other tracks. Approx 8km. Walk is G3. Provided by the NPA Port Stephens Walking Group, enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Sunday 28 July 2024, Bush Regen on One Mile’s Headland, Tomaree Coastal Walk
On Sunday morning (rescheduled form Saturday 27/7), the Friends of Tomaree National Park are inviting you to a terrific morning of bush care as we give a helping hand to regenerate bush and improve the resilience of the coastal forest on the headland at One Mile Beach. Booking is essential. More information & bookings
August 2024: Saturday 31 AM, a community event, coastal forest Regen on One Mile Headland, Tomaree Coastal Walk
Following our July bitou management activity, the Friends of Tomaree National Park are inviting you to a terrific morning of bush care — we’ll continue some bitou management, and plant in some bitou-cleared sites — to give a helping hand to regenerate bush and improve the resilience of the coastal forest on One Mile Headland along the Tomaree Coastal walk
From 8.30 – 11am, followed by morning tea. Bookings are essential and for more information

Wednesday 21 August 2024, Full day Wildflower wander on high trails and low trails
Full day: Enjoy a circuit walk beside splashes of brilliant coloured wildflowers on well-formed mainly fire trails, with some gentle inclines. Appreciate the diverse array (this is not a flower identification walk). Approx 12-14km. Walk is G2-3. Provided by the NPA Port Stephens Walking Group, enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Friday 30 August 2024, Spring orchid splendour
Morning walk: Tomaree is home to a magnificent variety of ground orchids, many seen alongside walking trails often in their hundreds. Approx 8-10km. Walk is G2. Provided by the NPA Port Stephens Walking Group, enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Saturday 7 AM or PM, Tuesday 10 AM, Wildflower Wonderland – a taste of colour & some names
Short 2hr walks AM & PM: Enjoy and learn about Tomaree’s diverse tapestry of colourful spring wildflowers & their names. Easy, slow-paced circuit, undulating sand tracks in heathy woodland. 2.6km. Walk is G2. Wildflower booking is essential
Wednesday 7 August 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk (3): Samurai-Boulder Bay circuit
Full Day: Sweeping dunes and views over Samurai Beach. From the beach we join the Tomaree Coastal Walk via Big Rocky and Boulder Bay. Wonderful wildflowers, inland high point, loop return via inland tracks. Fantastic time to be in Tomaree. Approx 13km. Walk is G3. PProvided by the NPA Port Stephens Walking Group, enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
September, Saturday 7 AM or PM, Tuesday 10 AM, Wildflower Wonderland – a taste of colour, some stories and names
Short 2hr walks AM & PM: Enjoy and learn about Tomaree’s diverse tapestry of colourful spring wildflowers & their names. Easy, slow-paced circuit, undulating sand tracks in heathy woodland. 2.6km. Walk is G2. Wildflower booking is essential

September, Friday 6 & 13, Saturday 7 & 14 – Experience Tomaree’s bush by night
Walks are in Anna Bay and Shoal Bay – take in the sounds, smells and sights of the bush by night, creating a different experience as we walk slowly and carefully. We may see one or two of night bush critters too. 2-3km. Walk is G3. Provided by the NPA through the Friends of Tomaree National Park. Night walk bookings essential.

Wednesday 18 September 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk (2): Box Beach-Boulder Bay
Full day: From Box Beach join the Tomaree Coastal Walk, Fingal section to Barry Park and Boulder Bay,circuit return via inland fire trails. Board walks, sandy trails, views, wildflowers and maybe a whale sighting. Approx 14km. Walk is G3. Provided by the NPA Port Stephens Walking Group, enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Sunday 13 October 2024, Fingal Island adventure
Morning walk: Providing the spit is safe, we’ll walk to Fingal / Shark Island. See the lighthouse, remains of lighthouse keepers homes, the scant jetty remains for dropping supplies and enjoy a dip in the Shelly Beach pools. Approx 8-10km. Walk is G3. Provided by the NPA Port Stephens Bushwalking Group, enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au
Sunday 20 October Picnic for Nature – connecting bush to your backyard, Celebrating 40 years of Tomaree National Park
Join us at Iris Moore Reserve, Birubi Lane, Anna Bay. Bring the family, throw down a picnic rug and some shade, enjoy a sausage sizzle or a coffee, and explore a little local nature – find out what’s in a bug hotel, nature activities, short walks, plant up a patch of park, and more. Register your interest here and be in the draw for some great prizes and we’ll keep you up to date with more information. Hosts: Friends of Tomaree National Park, National Parks and Wildlife Service, EcoNetwork Port Stephens, National Parks Association
Sunday 3 November Forum: Tomaree National Park – celebrating 40 years of conservation and involvement
Afternoon: Tomaree National Park – celebrating 40 years of conservation and involvement, speakers and and discussion. Tomaree library. More information, and bookings essential here. National Parks and Wildlife Service, National Parks Association and partners.
Friday 1 to Saturday 30 November: Orchids and Flora of the Tomaree Peninsula
The inspiration and theme of the artwork in this exhibition takes a little from Art & a little from Science, highlighting the diversity and precious nature of our natural environment. The orchid species of the Tomaree Peninsula are a focus, and Tomaree National Park protects most of the Peninsula’s orchids. More exhibit information
Wednesday 11 December 2024, Tomaree Coastal Walk (5): Boat Harbour-Fishermans Bay/Iris Moore circuit
Morning walk and Christmas Breakup: Walking Tomaree Coastal Walk from Boat Harbour to Iris Moore, coastal views, shady sections, circuiting on bush tracks and a few streets. Lunch TBA, share picnic Boat Harbour or Anna Bay Tavern. Approx 7km. Walk is G3. Provided by the NPA Port Stephens Bushwalking Group, enquiries portstephens@napnsw.org.au