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Media releases

EcoNetwork’s media releases are listed below. For those issued by our affiliate groups, please contact them directly.

Cumulative Impact Assessments crucial to Koala survival – Media Release

Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens (KKEPS) was formed last year, its primary goal being to protect and grow the koala population in Port Stephens with one strategy being to identify …   Read more

Koala protection or mis-planned extinction?

Property developers, Ingenia, are seeking Council’s approval to change the previously approved ‘Boardwalk’ development. This plan would make it impossible for koalas to move across Tomaree Peninsula from east to west by creating a concrete jungle across this already narrow wildlife corridor. Help us stop the bulldozers!   Read more

KKEPS media release 29 November 2021

Koala Koalition welcomes further scientific review of Kings Hill ‘new town’ at Raymond Terrace. Click here.   Read more

Media Release – Movie Night – 2040

Take a family view on the bright side with movie 2040. Are you worried about a future for yourself and your children on a warming planet? The movie 2040 has …   Read more

Critical pinch point for koalas needs protection

Koala Koalition media release calls on Council to ensure protection of the koala corridor north of Nelson Bay Road to ensure koalas’ unencumbered movement along the Tomaree Peninsula. Click here   Read more

Tick of approval for new culvert bridge

Environmental advocacy group EcoNetwork-Port Stephens has welcomed Council’s decision to build a prefabricated bridge over the washed away section of Foreshore Drive. EcoNetwork president Iain Watt said the bridge would …   Read more

Inquiry into the Integrity of the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme

Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens, KKEPS 1 , welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Enquiry Panel investigating the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme. The Panel may find some value in …   Read more

‘Listen to our concerns,’ say community and environment groups

EcoNetwork-Port Stephens has called on Council to take note of community concerns about lack of transparency and public consultation in relation to planning and public works. The concerns were raised …   Read more

Festival focus on a sustainable future

All eyes will be on the latest technology and practice for building a sustainable way of life at the inaugural Sustainable Futures Festival to be held at Tomaree High School …   Read more