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Managing ecosystems

We look at how biodiversity in Port Stephens is faring – is it thriving, or just surviving?  Our terrestrial and marine habitats such as bushland reserves, beaches and reefs, need our help. Find out how you can get involved in citizen science and bush regeneration projects.

World Wetlands Day at Mambo-Wanda Wetlands

Mambo-Wanda Wetlands Conservation Group in Salamander Bay normally holds their annual Mambo Wetlands Walks on World Wetlands Day. However, like last year, due to covid caution, this year’s event happened …   Read more

Local landcarers contributing to science

Soldiers Point – Salamander Bay Landcare members have been working in Stoney Ridge Reserve for many years. One of the largest reserves in Port Stephens, it is located on the …   Read more

Are NSW Marine Sanctuaries under threat?

The NSW Government released the ‘NSW Mainland Marine Park Network – Draft Management Plan 2021 – 2031’ for public comment. What are the threats to be concerned about? We share our views on what needs to be done.   Read more

The future of our beaches: erosion and artificial reefs

The future of our beaches: erosion and artificial reefs By Iain Watt, Marine Scientist and President, EcoNetwork. The iconic beaches of Port Stephens have taken a hammering this year, from …   Read more

Feral animal control – who’s responsible?

Feral animal control – who’s responsible? Members of the Mambo Wanda Wetlands Reserves and Landcare Committee have called for more funding to eradicate feral animals that prey on indigenous fauna …   Read more

Inquiry into the Integrity of the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme

Koala Koalition EcoNetwork Port Stephens, KKEPS 1 , welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Enquiry Panel investigating the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme. The Panel may find some value in …   Read more

Fisheries Management – a mixed bag

Fisheries Management – a mixed bag By Iain Watt, Marine Scientist and President, EcoNetwork Port Stephens. The economic extinction of fish stocks (when the cost of fishing exceeds the value …   Read more

Port Stephens Council assesses priority bushland reserves

Our natural assets – the stunning Tomaree National Park, our unique marine and coastal environments as well as the dozens of native bushland reserves – are the primary reason residents …   Read more

Friends of Tomaree National Park

Friends of Tomaree National Park The Friends of Tomaree National Park is a newly formed and growing community-based group of the National Parks Association (Hunter Branch), an affiliate of EcoNetwork. We are …   Read more