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EcoUpdate: June 2022

Hello Everyone,

On Saturday 4 June, EcoNetwork hosted the Sustainable Futures Festival Gala Dinner – for those who missed all the fun, check out our photo gallery highlights below.

Feedback survey says: I want more …

If you’ve been receiving EcoUpdate for some time, you’ll know I’ve been hassling our readers to complete our Feedback Survey – thank you for responding, you’re very kind! The feedback showed that people want more articles about local wildlife. You asked – and we listened!

So in this edition, we bring you wombats, squirrel gliders and of course koalas. See below for an invitation to a new glider project I’ve signed up to – maybe you’d like to come along as well?

I’ve spoken to quite a few people and there seems to be a lack of data on many species that call Port Stephens home – if anyone would like to help me research information about local wildlife, please contact me. Maybe we could even look at options for undertaking citizen science projects for arboreal mammals, woodland birds, reptiles or other wildlife.

Thanks again for your feedback on EcoUpdate. If you haven’t done so yet, I look forward to your input. Tell me what you think – just 3 questions in 30secs! Tell me now

Keep warm and Keep smiling!

Editor, EcoUpdate

If you missed previous editions of EcoUpdate, you can read them here. Please forward this one to your friends and don’t forget to sign up HERE.

Sustainable Futures Festival

EcoNetwork Port Stephens and Artisan Collective present the aRRRRRt Awards!

These awards encourage artists to put the R into art: rethink, reduce, reuse, repurpose or recycle.

A competition for visual media including painting, wearable art, photography, ceramics, multi-media, jewellery and more. Judging will be based on relevance to the theme of supporting sustainable futures and artistic excellence.

Read More and ENTER!

Wildlife heroes saving our wombats

Did you know we have the only dedicated wombat hospital in Australia right here in the Hunter?

Many years ago, Roz and Kev Holme from Cessnock noticed that too many so-called ‘common’ wombats were falling victim to roads, habitat destruction and mange. Rescues of sick and injured wombats were increasing – so they decided to do something about it. Today, Roz and Kev run Australia’s only dedicated Wombat Hospital, operating entirely on donations. Spoiler alert – cute pics!

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Koalas declared endangered …. Again?

While we were all busy preparing for the most significant federal election in years on 21 May, the NSW state government quietly (the day before) declared the koala as endangered under its Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

So … the second listing in a few short months – does this mean we will finally see better protection for koalas in NSW?

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Habitat relief for Squirrel Gliders

Would you like to get involved in field work to help the threatened squirrel glider? How about planting food-trees, inspecting nestboxes and cameras – or spotlighting and habitat scouting.

As well as providing essential habitat for gliders, this project is also providing participants with the knowledge and resources needed to shape more ambitious conservation outcomes for this unique threatened species.

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Sustainable Futures Festival

What a Ball!

Get all the action from our Gala Dinner held on 4 June 2022 at Saltwater at Fingal Bay – see our photo gallery here

More Sustainable Futures Festival News.

Get Involved: Preventing Burnout

Maintaining the energy levels required to be an optimistic, positive and productive volunteer is difficult. Research on volunteers and people working in the helping professions have shown they are highly susceptible to burnout.

Preventing burnout is about finding the right balance between contributing what you can and replenishing your own energy reserves.

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Do you have a ‘Sustainable House’?

Sustainable House Day (SHD) provides the opportunity to explore some of Australia’s most unique and inspiring homes, and learn from the people who designed them, built them, and live in them.

In 2021, SHD connected 52,000 people from all over the world to share peer-to-peer knowledge about sustainable housing.

Renew, previously called ATA and the brains behind SHD, are now looking for houses to be featured online as part of SHD 2022. This involves the homeowner, builder or architect creating an online profile that details the sustainability measures of the home, and creating a simple house tour video that offers advice for those looking to build or retrofit. These profiles will be displayed on the SHD website, where people can ask questions about the build. Featured houses are not required to be open in-person.
If you’re interested in taking part, check out all the details and apply.

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Some election gems from my favourite cartoonist Matt Golding from The Age and Sunday Age

Lots of Feel Good Stuff this month!

What’s on

  • Sunday 19 and/or Monday 20 June 2022. Bridle Path, Nelson Bay. Help tackle invasive weeds and enjoy some restorative planting. Join us to support and strengthen our natural environment with other caring people along the beautiful Port Stephens shoreline. More information and bookings. Enquiries:
  • Wednesday 22 June 2022, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Renew Gold Coast Branch webinar. With power prices rising, feed-in tariffs reducing and storage batteries becoming more common – is it time to add batteries? Bring your questions, this will be in an interactive session with practical advice. Register here.
  • Saturday 25 June – Sunday 26 June 2022. As part of International Passive House Day, the following Sydney homes will be open for just three hours each. There is no cost but registration is required through the Australian Passive House Association.
  • Tuesday 19 July, 6.30pm. Lake Cinema, Boolaroo. Lake Macquarie’s Green Screenings program, highlighting today’s environmental issues, presents The Green Lie. Big corporations tell us we can save the world through our purchasing decisions. The Green Lie documentary exposes green washing and how we can protect ourselves. Book Here.
  • Thursday, June 30 from 6.00 – 8.00pm. The Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) is the subject of Hunter Region Landcare Network’s evening of education about one of our local endangered species. You will learn about the value of Kooragang Wetlands National Park & other local habitats, threats to populations, mitigation strategies, as well as on-ground conservation works you can get involved in. Registration essential

In the News

EcoNetwork Port Stephens

Our Vision: Ecologically sustainable communities existing in harmony with the natural environment.

Our Purpose: To support our members and to educate and advocate on environmental issues that impact Port Stephens communities. : : facebook

Published: 9 Jun 2022